Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Interesting blogs i came across...

While looking through some of my peers blog pages, i came across three that were of interest to me, and could relate to my project..

The first one was was on Tom Wards page (http://wardtdawg.blogspot.com). One of his three listed websites was www.psyop.tv/main.php. I found this website very interesting. Pysyop is an advertising company that makes advertisements for big companys such as Coke and Adidas. I liked this website because it was well designed, easy on the eye and all the videos were beautifully made. After watching afew of them it started to make me think differently (in a positive way) about the certain products being advertised. I can see why Tom was inspired from this website, as was I.

The second blog i found to be of interest was Dylan Shearer's blog (http://dylanshearer.blogspot.com). Although he was writing about a different project to mine, there were similarities with mine in the way he was experimenting with the circular motion and symetry. He was trying to achieve the same sort of thing in his photography as i was in my drawing.

The third blog was not so much a blog of interest to me, but more one i could relate to through the process she went through in order to achieve the final result. This was lisa Rademakers blog (http://www.lisarademakers.blogspot.com). She said "as challenging as this project was, it was possibly the most rewarding after all of the work put in". This relates back to the comment i made about putting in the effort really does pay off.

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